Friday, September 12, 2008

Oh boy....some days just don't turn out the way you plan!

I seriously had the day totally planned out yesteray. It's amazing that when it takes just a few minutes to think of what you want to accomplish during the day and write it down, it takes ALL FREAKING day to get it done~ what's up with THAT??
Anyway, I got everything done in preparation for my best friend here to move in with me...lock, stock, and Yorkie,kitty,and sister!

She and I are both ruminating about how we manage to accumulate so much STUFF in such a short time! Of course, isn't it interesting that you never give it a thought until you're in the midst of moving somewhere? But it always works out one way or the other; it all gets tossed or repacked to take to the new place and vows are made to NEVER keep so much junk again. I don't make those vows anymore; I know I'll keep getting STUFF and I'll be amazed anew when I'm packing to move next time :).

Yesterday, being a fairly somber day for the nation, I watched the tv coverage of the ceremonies taking place and when they read all the names of those lost, and showed their photos, I wondered what each person was doing at the end? And what kind of life they led before? Even at my age, it's so hard to look at photos of people who were real and working and part of a family and happy and distinguished and LOVED, and wrap my head around the fact that in a second, they were GONE, Pouf! You'd think after being an ICU nurse for so long, I'd have that one all figured out, but it's different when it's such a huge magnitude just in numbers alone, of people who were, so ALIVE. And I think about what a great energy we all lost in losing those people from our world.

Aside from that, yesterday was also my very BEST, dearest and did I say BEST? friend's birthday; my most FAVORITE person in the entire world, the person who knows me probably better than anyone ever has or ever will (and I think he still likes me :)). I want to put him in my pocket and carry him with me everywhere I go~ he's like the kind of treasure that you keep all to yourself and pull it out when you can really absorb all the joy and fun that he exudes. It's like opening a present every time I talk to him~ he's the BEST, and so another Happy Birthday to Roy~ I hope your day was everything you wanted it to be!

So, the rest of today will start an interesting adventure with my friend Melanee~ she's such a great gal and is the female equivalent of Roy to me~ I feel so blessed to have had (and to have even now) such amazing, wonderful friends; male and female. They're like the seaglass that I find along the shore; beautiful and sparkly and precious; different from each other, but all incredibly, uniquely, phenomenally special.

I hope you all have people in your life like I do; it makes the journey so much easier!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh, What a beautiful morning!

Oh, I had the best sleep last night! Yesterday I did a suprise dog sitting afternoon for Mel~ her friend Dotty was in hospital going to have chemo and she called Mel in tears b/c they'd been poking her over and over trying to find a vein. Terrible! So, Mel and her sis drove the hour and a half to go sit with her for awhile. And the LEAST I could do was babysit Max's little sister! Little sister wasn't quite as enchanted with the adventure however. She's such a sweetie pie, but so shy, and my little guys are ALL BOY! I think she'd had it after they had their way with the gardeners while they were here; snarling and barking and racing from window to sliding door, to sofa to look out THAT window....too much pandemonium for the little girl! She was SO happy to see her mama when she got back! Too cute!

So, when Mel and her sister got back here, I made up some pasta and veggie and garlic bread, they brought the wine, and we drank and yakked.
When they left, I went out to bring in the garbage cans and the sky to the East was lighting up like there were fireworks going on.

It was the strangest thing; it was a nice, warm (hot) day and not any noticeble clouds around, but over the Eastern mountains, there was just a ton of lightening with no thunder at all! The clouds and the mountains were lit up again and again, it was so beautiful! I felt like pulling a chair from the patio table out there and sitting down to watch b/c it was impossible to see it from the back yard with the walls obscuring the view. But from the front, I had a clear view all the way to the mountains for the show! It will be sad when they build it all up over that way; I'm sure they will.

And this morning, it was again, like yesterday, cool enough for the M&M's and myself to walk! Such a treat finally to be able to be outdoors and get some fresh air and exercise! They loved it, and Madison, as usual, had to do his crazy running, spinning and jumping and trying to get his own harness on before we left :). Such a clown! He just gets so excited when he thinks we're going to go somewhere. I try to extricate the leashes and harnesses from the pantry where I keep them without him seeing me, or he's just wild until we get out the door, LOL. Gosh, I love this dog; and wonder all the time what his life was like before he came here. But that's another story for another time. Suffice it to say, that when you save something's life, there's a special bond between the two of you.

I realized when we got back to the house, that I needed to run to Walmart for some of their frozen turkey so I could make Madison's rice mix. I thought I could get away with just making plain rice in chicken broth since mostly it's just mixed in with his other food, but NOOOOOO......he'll eat it plain IF it's with his other food, but for his bedtime snack I give him just the rice (as opposed to the kibble that I give to Max) b/c it seems to keep his tummy settled, and he had no interest in the plain rice at all. So.....another day of dog food making!

On my way home, I decided that I'd stop into the new JOann's that they just opened down the street...OH MY GOD......I am totally totally blown away! I went thru it and looked at practically EVERYTHING! The place is humongous! They've got everything; more than Michael's even! So many silk flowers and craft supplies. The fabrics are just amazing (and the prices are so much more than I remember them being too!). I could just see all the tablescapes I could do with some of the fabrics and the belly bands I could make with the cute novelty cotton fabrics, the doggie blankies with the fleece.....OH gosh, I was in heaven! And all the stickers and decorative craft supplies, so much of it, it's overwhelming. And the place is big and wide and bright and sunny; just beautiful! They did an incredible job, I am going to be in heaven! The best thing mile and a half away = hardly any gas consumption, haha!

So, today is my day to work on my mom's montage that I want to get done as soon as I can. I think it's going to really surprise her and tickle her. I love doing these and putting the music with them; I think I'm getting kind of good at it anyway.
Here's Max's~ once I get Mom's done, I need to make one for Madison; that should be fun!

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