Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday Cooldown's the time of year that I can actually drive with the top down~ without worrying about sweating to death or burning the bejeezus out of the leather! 'Course, I still have to have the A/C going, but there's something so freeing and primal about driving topless :). Especially on a beautiful, clear and sunny day with the mountains all around me. Now I get why our population triples beginning this time of year. As I still say; it's a great place to vacation, but I want outta here, LOL!
I love the Fall with the changing weather and the leaves changing colors and falling, falling, falling. But most of all, I love to "nest" and decorate. And dream about the holidays to come. Summer is the time for running around outdoors.

Yesterday, Mel and I went shopping~ one store, 4 hours, I don't think a single item went untouched or noticed at least! I've decided that Home Goods is my favorite place. The glassware and dishes alone, especially the seasonal entertainer's Nirvana! If my digital was working, I'd have pictures of everything, just so I can remember what I want when I have the money for it, lol. Of course, this is the kind of place that if you see something you want, you'd better get it right then or it will be gone the next time. It's also the kind of place where you check your sanity at the door on your way in.
I swear, earlier in the morning, I had emptied my buffet (pictured behind the table above) of EVERYTHING (and it's packed FULL) so that we could move it to accomodate the new sofas, and all I could say is "I have too many dishes" what did I do while I was there? I found a set of Tuscan style dishes and HAD to have them. They're PERFECT for Fall and for Thanksgiving. And there's so many other dishes that compliment them. Yep, I got more dishes. And I'm contemplating going back for some more; I got one Fitz and Floyd plate that is so adorable with a little chick in the center. It goes perfectly on top of the Tuscan plates. Hmmm...decisions, decisions. One plate I can use as an accent piece; more I can use as breakfast dishes. It's this change in the seasons that's getting to me. Time for new stuff.

Melanee is the one who's got the excitement going though. She leaves tomorrow after being here a month. The movers will be meeting her early in the morning to load up her stuff from storage and then she, Beau her kitty; and Little Pie, Max's Yorkie sister; are off to the beach! I know she's super stressed out but she's going to have so much fun getting settled there and I just know she's going to find happiness there. It's such a calming and healing environment and I can just see her and Pie walking along the boardwalk. I can't wait to see her place and help her decorate!! She got some really cute things though for it already. I hope she'll find a really nice guy there too; she deserves it.

So, today is a get things done day for both of us. I need to hang a 6 ft x 5 ft. painting on the wall and am having the darndest time figuring out exactly how I'm going to do it~ honestly, I remember the days when I just slapped a nail in the wall and hung things up (that was just after the thumbtack and poster days I think :D). Now, I've got 8 different measurements written down, marks on the wall and I STILL haven't figured out where to put the hangers, LOL. I want it to be done when dh gets home though; he's going to be surprised (particularly by the fact that I extricated the painting from behind every single other box that's stacked up in the 3rd car garage and have already gotten rid of the packaging it was boxed in. I'm so proud that I got it all done on garbage day, I just have to put all the other boxes I pulled out back so he can get his car in the garage :(. Oh well, it will be so worth it.

Later on, we're going out to dinner~ our last meal together before she beaches it. I'll miss cooking dinner for her and I bet dh is going to miss having her around to laugh at his corniness (I'm a little over it after 10 yrs). I'm happy for her though, and the realization that she'll be gone again is just starting to hit me. It's hard living with someone else when you aren't used to it and it was a little rocky at first, but there's just nothing like a friend who "gets" you. Or at least accepts you and your annoying habits and makes the best of them. I can take some lessons from her in being more tolerant of other's idiosyncrasies, that's for sure. Maybe that's why she's a great personal assistant and I'd be a lousy one.

Anyway, since this is a "get-things-done" day, I guess I'll go get some things done (and expound on DWTS later).

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