Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Age of Aquarius


"I will feel equality has arrived when we can elect to office women who are as incompetent as some of the men who are already there". Maureen Reagan

Wow. All I can say is "wow".....well, not really, that's not really all I can say of course....like my friend Roy says, "you can talk a dog off a meat wagon". And I take that as the supreme compliment, haha.

But really...WOW! I thought working with heart transplants when Stanford was the only place in the WORLD doing them was seeing history in the making. And it was. .....but this...THIS, is MUCH BIGGER. A BLACK man has been elected PRESIDENT of the United States of America!!! I truly, honestly, sincerely, never thought I'd live to see the day!

Now, I'm not saying I voted for him~ obviously, I wouldn't have needed to anyway. But, I think we can all appreciate the historical significance of it. It's HUGE, MASSIVE, and amazing. I only hope that it will be the dawning of a more united and compassionate country (within our own borders), and that it will bring a better understanding and appreciation of each other. I have to mention also, it was kind of heartwarming to see Oprah and Stedman and Gail in the CROWD as opposed to at his right hand ;).

McCain's speech was, as always, classy and generous. He's such a good man, it makes me feel so badly for his loss. Doncha wish you could have a crystal ball and see how things would be if one got elected and another one showing how things would be if the other was? We'll never know how things may have evolved if McCain had won; he won't be running again. But we will know how things will evolve with Obama as our President. Doggone it, I really wanted Sarah Palin in there....but, she's young....hopefully, she'll be back. I liked her. I really really liked her; even if she did say she killed animals...I guess that's an Alaska thing though. I have friends who live there; that's what they do all day long I guess. Another story.

One thing for sure: I think we need to hang onto our hats; we could be in for the ride of our life. Let's just hope it's a fun one! I have faith and will pray for our new President to make prudent decisions and lead our country back to greatness; we deserve nothing less.
I'm going to bed, saying "WOW! Martin Luther King Jr. must be beaming up there on his cloud! I am LIVING history!". Just Wow. What will tomorrow bring?

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