Saturday, September 20, 2008

Another Saturday Nite and I Ain't Got Nobody.....

Wait a minute...yes I do! In fact, I've got 2 somebodies and a house full of Yorkies and kitties. Well, really just 2 cats, but 3 little Yorkie faces to look at.

It's all good though. The Yorkies Exquisite were up and at 'em at exactly 6:30 this morning (after Madison's 4:20 AM wake-up call). And if THEY'RE up, so are we! Dan wanted to go to the grocery store to pick up a paper and a few things, and the wonderful husband he is, even picked up the stuff I needed for my crockpot dinner tonight. He's really being on his best behavior! It was perfect, since I'm making carnitas and they have to cook for so long in the crockpot. It seems sort of silly to be crockpotting since I'll be home all day, but hey....I don't have to DO anything ELSE til they're done, whoopee! Not often that I can "set it and forget it". And, as an added bonus, DH cooked breakfast. He's good at that, and it was very sweet of him to do it.

The weather is beautiful today; a slight cool breeze early morning and now has warmed up to mid-90's. We sat on the patio and listened to the doves cooing and watched the hummingbirds flitting around, occasionally hovering just inches from us, just checking us out I guess! I'm thankful for the low temps and will appreciate them while they stay. All the doggies joined me on the patio for coffee and the puzzles; unfortunately, those were all pretty easily solved today, so we weren't really out for long. I saw something really cute in the paper today though; it was a second "Jumble" next to the usual daily puzzle. It said "Paid advertisement" at the top and I couldn't figure out what it was. It had a picture of a couple in wedding attire, and 5 different jumbled words....anyway, I solved all the words and then took the circled spelled out "Will you marry me, MP?".....I thought it was so sweet! Some girl who does the puzzles probably every day is going to think (like I did) that she lucked out and got 2 jumbles in one day! And she'll do it and come up with her proposal. Awwwww.....some guys are so creative when they come up with ways to ask someone to marry them! I love that.

I also love that I have little Madison in my life. He is the class clown here for sure! This morning, Dan went looking for him and thought he had chased Little Pie (the girl Yorkie) into the bedroom. He found instead, Madison was standing over a bag of Twistix dental treats, trying to figure out how to get into it!! OH my gosh....each one of those is something like 75 calories (that's enough for a snack for US, not a 5 or 6 lb doggie (they get 1/2 of one every few days)!!!....if he'd gotten into them and eaten them, he probably would have been SO SICK! Although, his breath would have been very minty-fresh, haha! Silly dog. And he was so sneaky about it...nobody even saw him snatch them off the floor of the laundry room and make off with them to the bedroom (almost nobody)! Oh, he makes me laugh every day, he's such a little scamp! Max is perfect, but Madison is joy personified.

So, today is crockpot dinner day and I'm wanting to make some sourdough with the starter that I somehow managed not to murder (yet), but am waiting PATIENTLY ;) to hear back from a friend about how to proceed. You'd think I was building the space shuttle or something critical instead of a few loaves of bread, with all the questions I've peppered the poor girl with.

I think tomorrow will be project/craft day. Or maybe it will wait til Monday...such a tough decision here in lala land.
I'm going to toddle off and find something Princess-like to do~ maybe sitting on my tuffet and filing my nails ~ I've gotten tired of just watching them grow :O. Yep, it's life in the slow slow slow lane today!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Today will be will be will be...

Well, at least I SLEPT ok, so I do feel better already. Weather is SO humid this morning, it negated the walk with the Yorkies Exquisite, so I'll have to find other excitement for the morning hours. Giving them both baths will take up an hour I'm sure.
As humid as it is, at least it's still cool in the mornings and last night it was even starting to cool off before I went to bed. Fall must really be on it's way! I love Fall~ the changing colors (well, not HERE, of course, but most of the rest of the inhabited places on Earth), and the way it starts getting dark earlier. I can start making chili again, and I love making stews and soups.
Since Mel is here, I've been giving a lot of thought to things we could do as a business. I just know there's something we could do that would provide a sustainable livelihood. So, this is my current list:

Tablescaping-I love doing this and I'm getting ready to start experimenting again. I have to do it while dh is gone to LA for work, since he wouldn't be too crazy about me moving furniture outdoors and other decorative accessories. But he'll never know. At least, not till he sees the pictures;) . I'm also working on a way for people who aren't quite as imaginative, to be able to have stellar tables for special occasions. I'm looking over my shoulder for Martha though~ I'm afraid she'll do it first :O.

Pet Parties~ I KNOW this will work. I just know it. Who doesn't love a party? And who doesn't love their pets? I figure before we start advertising or anything, when we're talking to people about their pets, we make them feel kind of guilty or negligent for NOT having parties for their, like we're talking to someone who is telling us about THEIR pet(s)...because when you take the Yorkies Exquisite with you places, everyone wants to stop and look at them and tell you all about the dog they LEFT at home. So, we say, "oh, how old is your doggie?" And when they tell us, we go in for the kill....."So, how was his birthday party this year?". And when they say they didn't have one, we just sort of raise our eyebrows in mild surprise and slightly shake our head and say " sad". And then quickly change the subject. Pretty soon, we'll be overwhelmed with doggie birthday parties, cigar parties, graduation parties, pizza parties; you name it, we'll plan it :D.

Willy Wraps~ yep, wrap 'er up, as the Fabulous Thunderbirds would say! I wrap my doggies Willy and you should too. Haha. I make the bellybands for the boys and I have to say, little Madison is adorable with his on. And no lifting-leg issues in the house or when we go to someone else's home. Boys will be boys, so they may as well look really cute being one!

Dog Treats~ I'm working on this one, experimenting with different recipes. Of course, it's not a lot of help when the Yorkies Exquisite are actually the Yorkies Indiscriminate :S. They'll eat just about anything. I need to find a more discriminating panel of judges.

Personal Chef~ or something like that....along the cooking line since we both love to cook and are pretty adept at it. Maybe just doing parties and specializing in one thing, like appetizers (since that's MY personal fave).

Care Provider for women who have just had plastic surgery~ Because you know, those women can't do a damned thing when they first get home. Some of them couldn't do anything BEFORE their surgical "enhancements", so go figure. But just do whatever they need and take care of them for the first few days (or week or so) afterward, so they wouldn't have any need to go out for anything. I know if I looked like that, I'd be happy to have someone to help me out so nobody would see me until I was healed. And discretion is the key on top of providing good care. Since I'm a former ICU nurse, I figure I could probably handle this one.

My special ornaments~ I won't say what they are because I know these will sell too, and I don't want everyone doing them. But I know they'd be big sellers. Martha would LOVE them :). I need to be careful of her; she's got the wherewithall to produce anything she wants!!!

Personalized Christmas wreaths~ mainly for pets, but I suppose we could do babies too, or even just people. They'd probably be fun gifts to give.

I'm full of ideas. Too bad I'm not full of money.

Oh's still early, so I'm going to see if I can work on some of these ideas and bring any closer to fruition (in my lifetime).

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's only ONE day!

UGH! This is how I feel today~ I got NO sleep last night and am tired and cranky, so I'm just going to go chill out for the rest of the evening and hope I'm feeling better tomorrow. I HATE it when I don't sleep!!!