Saturday, July 25, 2009

Laaazzzzzy Dayyyyyy

"....Just right for blogging away"

Geeze, what a strange day for a weekend! I finally get back here and it's like the most boring day of the month. Gotta do somethin' about that!

It's hot outside, but not horrifically hot as it can be at this time of year in the desert. It's humid though; I think that's what's going on. It feels like some heavy weight sitting on you and it's overcast, so when you look outside, it seems like it would be cold. NOT!'s not cold here!

Just saw a cool sight though; two jets flying side by side over the house. I love stuff like that. We're sort of in the landing approach for Palm Springs airport, so I get to see interesting things every now and then. I love watching airplanes; I just don't like BEING on them.

I've been watching the Tour de France; what a great race it is! I am totally amazed by Lance Armstrong; say what you will about him, but that guy is beyond freakin' incredible! After being off for ..what? 3 years? And he decides to come back, starts training, crashes and breaks his shoulder, has surgery and pins placed and STILL will be on the podium tomorrow? Not in the maillot jaune, but still....not too shabby. I swear, he is other than mortal! Aww, you know me and my bikes....I keep thinking about my bike chain napkin rings....I need to go dig those out for dinner tonite, LOL!

Dogs are doing fine today. Poor little Max has had a few seizures lately; don't know what's going on, but I think part of it is stress related. Seems like they usually occur when he's really frightened of something. Madison Macadamia Nutboy of course is perfectly fine. My little airhead. I wish I were like him...well, YKWIM..I KNOW I lean toward airheaded-ness, but I'm pretty sure it's only b/c I have so many things going on in my head!

Ok...seriously: I think I'm going to do Mark Bittman's 101 Simple Salads for the Season ......make one every day (I'll start on Monday; you know I never start anything immediately....need to strategize and organize first ya know!) and photograph them. Why am I doing it? Oh, who knows? I'm BORED. And it's HOT! So. Something to look forward to. Yayyyy.....ok.....hope today is not the day the music dies. Hasta!


all the latest in heavensville said...

don't you just love it when they cuddle together, seana? and aren't we lucky that our fur kids love each other...

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Look at those sweet boys!

I'm looking forward to the salad extravaganza~while I bake my way through my chocolate cookbook, you'll be doing the same with salads! I may need to double my Zocor by the end of this experiment :)