Thursday, October 30, 2008

Simply Irresistible

1. Where is your cell phone?
AMAZINGLY, I know....right in front of me on my desk!

2. Where is your significant other?
Well, I THINK he's at work in the LA area, coming home tonite.

3. Your hair color?
Dark brown, with hopefully, covered up grey

4. Your mother?
Living too far away from me in N. CA, wanting to buy a ranch now

5. Your father?
Daddy-O living the island life in Hawaii with my stepmom and their kitties.

6. Your favorite thing?
I have tons of favorite things; but my little M&M's are at the very top of the list. Especially crawling into bed with them at the end of the day.

7. Your dream last night?
I don't KNOW....but I sure did sleep well!

8. Your dream/goal?
Get back into shape/fitness like I was 2 yrs ago, move away from the desert and closer to my friends and family.

9. The room you're in?

10. Your hobby?
Tablescaping, decorating, dreaming

11. Your fear?
Oh, I'm afraid to say

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?
Back in the Wine Country...wherever; just so there's REAL produce that you actually SEE on trees or in the ground.

13. Where were you last night?
At home, watching Dirty Sexy Money

14. What you're not?
Over adolescence probably

15. One of your wish list items?
For my brother to be cured and restored to good health.

16. Where you grew up?
Napa ....when it was prune orchards and nobody knew where it was other than the state hospital.

17. The last thing you did?
Picked up kangan water at the water store.

18. What you are wearing?
White Tommy B capris and a black sleeveless sweater (my nod to cooler weather, LOL)

19. Your TV? Channel 3...soaps for ironing time, except I'm sitting here doing this instead, haha.

20. Your pet?
OH my goodness! You'd have to be living under a rock to not know about our Maxalicious and Madison, the Yorkies Exquisite, the light of our lives and the answer to world peace! I also have my Cynthia, a Maine Coon cat, who's very lonely since Cesare went away and my psychotic dove, Lucky, pictured above with his booster rocket, Tweety bird, the parakeet; and Coco, the dove who was a big surprise years ago when we came home from a trip and the petsitter had brought him over for "Lucky".....NOT a match made in heaven, so now I've got TWO cages instead of just one :S.

21. Your computer?
Dell laptop and desktop, dh has a Sony Vaio laptop that's BROKEN :(.

22. Your mood? Happy and getting excited about the holidays

23. Missing someone?
My friends in Napa; very much

24. Favorite restaurant?
Wow....where? I'm spoiled...Napa Valley has a plethora of phenomenal restaurants, I don't think I could choose just one. But the food's always consistently excellent at Fume.

25. Something you're not wearing?
Shoes or socks (what else is new?)

26. Favorite store?
My real favorite is Nordstrom's or Saks, but lately it's HOME GOODS....I could go CRAZY in that store!

27. Your summer?
BORING; extremely HOT, extremely DRY, very windy and sandy except for a few weeks I spent with my mom up in Napa Valley, which was fabulous!

28. Love someone?
Probably too many people ;)

29. Your favorite color?

30. Last time you laughed?
A few minutes ago when dh IM'd me; sometimes he's such a knucklehead.

31. Last time you cried?
Oh gosh, I cry at the drop of a noun; but I really cried the other night when I was talking to my friend who is getting me some information on an animal communicator in case she can contact my Nova and Valentino at the Rainbow Bridge. I just can't get over losing those birds (as anyone who knows me is aware of already). God help me if anything happens to my mom or my dogs :(.

OK, I get to blame Jan for this, LOL....I love reading about other people's stuff too, so feel free to fritter away some time on this yourself!

1 comment:

all the latest in heavensville said...

i love to read others as well. interesting, girlfriend...