Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Where does the time go????

I just wanted to get something on here tonite! What a day! I'm not sure really why I have been so busy; but I suppose it was b/c I had a lot to do. Feed all the animals, clean the cat's box and room, clean bird cages, do laundry and then fold it and put it away, make Madison's rice and turkey. Slice up sourdough bread loaves and wrap in plastic wrap to put in the freezer. Only I ran out of the plastic wrap and still needed to wrap the dog's food to put in the freezer. UGH..I hate it when I run out of stuff.
Then get onto the job sites, which of course, there are NO jobs for me, but you never know when one will pop up! Of course the dogs have to have some sort of sustenance every two hours, so it was getting up to address that issue too. Get online to find pictures to post for CDW and then write up blurbs for them and get them posted online. It's not that difficult; I'm just new to actually posting and writing the blurbs, so it was a little slow going for me this morning.

Other than that, it's been a beautiful day; Melan'ee came over to drop Pie off while she ran a couple of errands (one of them being an angel and picking up plastic wrap for me) and then came back for dinner, while we watched AMC that I'd dvr'd. It's fun~ we have a nice dinner with good company, our little doggies and get mad at the characters on the soaps, LOL. Aren't girlfriends the BEST??? Well, I know she is, for sure!

I'm tired and the boys are knocked out, snoring even, LOL. So, it must be time to pick the little guys up and deposit them on the bed for a nice sleep for all of us! Tomorrow is another day, God willing! I am thankful for my friends~ close friends and my internet friends. You all keep me going and make me stronger than sometimes I feel that I am. Sometimes I just need to say that, because it matters to me! Nitey nite to you all~ sweet dreams!

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