Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What now, my love??

"What now my love? Now that it's over,
How can I live, through another day,
Watching my dreams turn into ashes;
And my hopes into bits of clay..."

I'm still in a state of shock. History has been made. And now we'll have to wait and see what we're left with....will it be promises kept or promises abandoned? Only time will tell.

I am a dreamer, and I believe that people are basically good. I believe when people show faith in you and support you, that you rise to their hopes and expectations in order to not let them down. To show them that their faith and their trust have not been misplaced. And to show them that hope can and will be, rewarded when we bother to care.

Will Obama rise to the challenges that are ahead of him and make decisions that are best for the nation and the world, and for the glue that holds us all together?

I hope so.

But I'm scared of the enormity of what lies ahead~ health care, environment, an impossible war, the economy, homeland security and rebuilding the optimism of this great country. It's a very big order.

The die has been cast; let this be a lesson to those who think it's useless to take the time to vote. Shame on you. We can no longer sit back and hope that we have a majority when the cultural demographics have so drastically changed. I wish Mr. Obama good luck and pray that he will surround himself with experienced and intelligent advisors and rely on them when he is overwhelmed by what he's about to experience. That he will listen to the good people of this country and respond appropriately.

Change is never easy. But it's how this nation was even conceived and established; and it's the only certain thing.

Aside from the presidential race, I am thrilled by the overwhelming victory of Prop 2 in CA. I'm sorry that people who raise livestock for food didn't set things up humanely to begin with, and now it will be a burden on them to do so, but IMO, we ought to be down on our knees worshipping animals who's only purpose in life (unbeknownst to them of course) is to provide us with food. I just think it's disgraceful what some people think is acceptable or tolerable conditions to keep animals (or ANYTHING that sustains us). Just disgraceful. I'm VERY happy about the passage of this proposition.

In the words of Ghandi: "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

I'm dismayed however, by the passing of Prop 8~ banning same-sex marriage. I think we need to move beyond this bias. And I'm totally, completely and thoroughly DISGUSTED by the media's handling of this proposition. AS IF it's not been going on for time immemorial, and as if it will not continue. To turn a blind eye does not make it not so. It's so incredibly hypocritical that it makes me ill to think of how many people fell for that crap about it being taught in schools. AS IF kids aren't going to learn about it on their own. Just because information (I.E., "teaching") is provided, doesn't mean that it's encouraging it. I mean, for God's sake; slavery is taught about in schools too, does that make it mainstream or encouraging it? NOOOO. WAKE UP PEOPLE. It makes me ashamed to know there's so many hypocrites out there. Look at your own family, look at your friends, look at your acquaintances....if you think you don't have gay people in your inner circle, you're ignorant. SOMEWHERE, they're there, for sure whether you know it or not. And if you don't truly want happiness and safety and security for them, WHETHER you agree with their choices or not, then I feel very sad for you, b/c you can't expect it for yourself if you can't want it for them too. We're all different; and it's not MY lifestyle either, but we're all human beings and deserve the same civil liberties and freedoms and respect as each other.

I won't even say anymore about how disgusted I am with the media; they do this all the time.
I call it abuse of power; they know the power of the written word, and yet, they refuse to be unbiased. Because, somewhere, sometime, palms are getting greased; they twist and turn things to reflect their own opinons (or the opinions of whoever signs their paycheck), when they are well aware of the fact that what they're saying is basically dishonest. Why even communicate if you can't be truthful and unbiased? Anything else is just a lie and worthless rhetoric.
Well, over and over again, they prove that "the pen is mightier than the sword". They must be so proud of themselves.

Oh...did I say I wasn't going to say anything else about them????

Even after all this verbal purging, I'm still scared.

So I'm going to make bread....put the anxiety to good use for a change, LOL.

My weekly sourdough will be interesting (at least to MOI) this time; it's previously been really warm outside (and inside), but yesterday was fairly cool~ my dough turned out very very sticky; I added extra flour b/c it was practically unworkable. I used 2/3 cup more flour than called for and it was still sticky, but I was afraid to add any more and at least I managed to get it out of the mixing bowl and into the oiled bowl to rise. This morning, it had risen higher than any other batches I've made to this point. I used a well-floured surface to divide and knead it on before putting it into loaf pans and it firmed up nicely. So, I'm anxious to see what the results will be after it's been baked. I need to keep a journal of this stuff if I'm going to be serious about it.

The YE's are presently snoozing away after their midmorning "snack", I'm sure they're dreaming of their noon-time "treat". I swear, Max has an alarm clock in his stomach. Those sweet, dark brown eyes will be boring a hole thru me in about 33 minutes, LOL. Oh, I Love them soooo much! Sweetness personified!

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