Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's a Beautiful Morning...

"I think I'll go outside for awhile~
And just smile"...
'Memba that song by the Young Rascals? I love music. No. I LOVE LOVE LOVE music! Almost any kind of music and I can remember all the music of my life. I can see the album covers, and the one I posted today I used to just be mesmerized by. Not only the cover but when you look at the cover while you're listening to the music of Martin Denny, you (or I) felt as if I had been transported to somewhere exotic and jungle-y. A place of lushness and waterfalls with sweet flowers scenting the air and wild animals calling to each other. A place that only I knew about and was the only human inhabitant. I'm getting lost again.

So, yeah, it's beautiful here again today. Don't you love it when you sleep all night? Well? I slept so well for the first time in so long I can't remember. Madison's new thing is to, as soon as I'm climbing into bed, run up right next to me and situate himself just under my armpit as close to my body as he can be. Is that sweet or what? This is the dog who, when I first brought him home, wouldn't even sleep in the bedroom; he slept on the floor in the hallway. He went from there to the little dog bed I have in front of my nightstand, to sleeping at the vERRRRY end of the bed, to sometimes sneaking up next to me to now, the primo spot, LOL. Don't think Max is all that impressed with his evolution though; Max sleeps under the covers right next to my legs, and he thinks Madison is cramping his style, haha. I swear, I wonder how I got so lucky to have acqired such sweet, wonderful dogs. And how did God make something so sweet and loving and charming as them? If only he made people like them. If only he'd made ME more like them. They're both "10's", that's for sure!

OH~ and speaking of MUSIC....I'm over the moon that AC/DC is TOURING America! And their new cd after 8 yrs is coming out on MONDAY! YAYYYYYYY! AND...almost the best thing....Walmart has little AC/DC logo dog clothes :D...double YAYYYYYY! I couldn't decide if I should get the YE's both a AC/DC hoodie or tanks. So cute! I can't wait to hear their new cd; it's called Black Ice....yeah, let's have some new headbanging music! Don't misjudge me people, I love classical music, jazz and like I said...almost any music. But there are times when you just are in the mood for a little Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap! The so un-princess part of my life ;).

I need to find a personalized license plate. I'm so torn about what I want it to say. If I come up with anything, I'll let you know. I always thought "2DRNK2DRV" would be fun but it's too many characters. AS IF, hahahaha. I have some good ones dreamed up though...have to see if they're available.

I am, I am, I am seriously going to put in a separate recipe blog here; I'm thinking daily stuff and holiday stuff. I've got so many phenomenal recipes and I love collecting more especially for the holidays! So much I want to do, only 24 hours in a day! I'll get to it. And I've made a vow~ to start wearing those aprons I've been collecting too. In fact, I just found out I'll be getting a new one when I am volunteering for the Food and Wine festival next month. That will be fun! Do you wear an apron when you cook? You should; it's a wonderful traditon. Kind of like a nursing cap, only useful, LOL.

I have been blessed with some people in my online life who are talented and kind and generous with their technical advice, wonderful recipes, business advice and creative endeavors and just all- around- nice- human- being- support stuff. I know it's a big big cyber world out there and people can just appear and then disappear after you feel as if you know them, but I just want to say how very much I appreciate each one of you and whatever time we are able to spend in each other's company. You make a difference in my life, even if I never meet you in person. I hope I can return the favor.

My quest for coconut pudding mix is next on my to-do list today~ What's up with you?

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