Saturday, October 18, 2008

You put Da Lime in Da Coconut...

Yeah....that's it! Since I spent the better part of the last couple of days hunting and gathering, looking for that blasted coconut creme pudding (who would know it would be SO elusive here?...for God's sake, we're drowning in Palm trees, you'd think even if they're date palms, it would be a little easier to find it), I thought this was an appropriate title for this post.

A lovely lady provided me with the recipe which you can find was worth every mile I drove to find that pudding mix, LOL!
Besides, her blog is FABULOUS FUN!

So, I was thinking about telephone manners today. Most people seem to have a pretty good grasp of how to initiate calls and how to say at least "hello" and "goodbye". MOST people.
I'm trying to figure out what happened to some people though. One is my father. Not that he's rude. And maybe it's just the advent of cell phones that has some people stymied. But the other day, I was in traffic and got a call on my cell from my dad. As you may or may not know, it's illegal to use a handheld phone while driving in CA now. So I had my bluetooth in good working order and when I saw it was my father, who usually doesn't call in the middle of the day, I answered it.
This is how the call started out:

Me: "Hi Dad!"
Dad" "Hello????"
Me: "Hello"
Dad: Hellooooo??? Can you hear me?
Me: Hello~ yes I can hear you just fine.
Dad: Silence
Dad: Silence
Dad: Yes, I can hear you.

By this time, I was wondering if my cell phone had dialed him somehow accidentally :S.

Me: Well, did YOU call ME????
Dad: Yes, I called you.

Me: WELL, SPEAK!!! start wondering if you're losing your mind and making random phone calls or if you're losing your hearing. Anyway, I finally had a conversation with him while he was at the Miami airport on his way to Ecuador. I AM glad he called to let me know they were off on another adventure, but it's like pulling teeth sometimes. Phone calls shouldn't be so painful, LOL.

And then there's my dh, which I've gotten used to and now adopt the same manners when he calls me:
He calls me, I answer "Hello?"....
Him: Yeah.....and then launches into some long story about what's going on at work, and when he's done talking, he never says "goodbye", "bye bye", "Later", ....NOTHING...he just hangs UP! Was he raised by WOLVES or something???? I mean, really, WHO interacts with their wife or even acquaintances that way???

I've taken to being very discriminating as to which calls I answer anymore. I hate being assaulted by my own phone!

Coconuts,'s either too much or not enough, haha.

1 comment:

G. Angus said...

Heh. I can't account for your husband's phone etiquette, but on the rare occasion dad calls me (I'm so glad he's not afraid of e-mail!), most conversations are pretty much as you describe.

I think dad's just forgotten how to use the phone.